Members Health Fund Alliance (Members Health) has congratulated the Australian Labor Party and new Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, for its election victory.
“Members Health congratulates Anthony Albanese on being elected the 31st Prime Minister of Australia and we very much look forward to working with the new Labor Government,” said CEO Matthew Koce.
“The not-for-profit and member owned health insurance sector looks forward to supporting the Government’s practical efforts to further improve healthcare services and outcomes for Australian families.”
“There is a growing appreciation for the amazing care that our health funds support. Doctors and nurses and hospitals do an amazing job, and this is made possible by the billions of dollars paid by health insurers each year.”
“Members Health funds are not-for-profit and member owned, and are in tune with the needs of their members. Highly trusted and close to their communities – whether that be in regional or metropolitan Australia – our funds are where many people go for advice and support during what can be the most difficult time in their lives.”
Australia has a remarkable mixed public and private health system that is the envy of the world and by working together, we can make it even better.
In particular we look forward to working with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and incoming Health Minister Mark Butler on addressing the regulatory failure of prostheses pricing.
Sensitive pricing data released as recently as April 2022 by the French once again exposed the ongoing exploitation of Australian patients by big global multinational medical device companies.
Members Health analysis found that patients can expect to be charged a staggering $5,000 more for an identical medical device in Australia than in France.
“According to a comparison of the prices listed in Australia and France, the world’s largest global manufacturers are charging a whopping 158 to 256 per cent more in Australia for hip replacement components. Pacemaker manufacturers are charging between 28 to 85 per cent more.”
“As strong consumer advocates, it is our hope that the Albanese Government will reform a regulated pricing scheme that effectively gives medical device companies a license to print money and generate massive profits at the expense of vulnerable Australians,” Mr Koce said.
“A new Government has an opportunity to build a fairer system. A system that has the best interest of consumers at its heart and transparently sets prices comparable to those overseas.”
Members Health is the peak industry body for an alliance of 26 health funds that are not-for-profit or part of a member-owned group, regional or community based. They all share the common ethic of putting their members’ health before profit. Our funds represent the interests of more than 5 million Australians.
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