Putting members’ health before profit

The rise of health funds that health professionals trust

Have you ever wondered what type of health fund doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics trust?

A new campaign from Members Health highlights how not-for-profit or member-owned funds provide vital cover to people from all walks of life – from essential services like doctors, nurses, teachers and police, to the entire Australian community.

The ads rolling out across digital media channels state ‘No one knows more about health than our health professionals. That’s why so many of them and their families are with Members Health funds. And you can be part of this special group too.’

Today, there are 37 private health insurers in Australia, 27 of them are with the Members Health Fund Alliance.

Matthew Koce, CEO of Members Health, said many funds were founded to provide private health cover for individuals and families of those employed in the health sector and other industry groups such as teachers, police, military, banking and finance, transport and mining and emergency service workers.

“There’s a Members Health fund for everyone. If it’s good enough for doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics, it’s good enough for everyday Aussies. Many people might not realise they can qualify for a member-owned fund and receive the same benefits, choice and peace of mind that health professionals trust,” said Mr Koce.

As a group, Members Health funds are very different to for-profit insurers, whose policyholders have been steadily declining in recent years. Bucking the trend, not-for-profit and member-owned funds are growing at twice the rate as the rest of the industry.

“For too long the private health market has been dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations. It’s great to see Members Health funds rising to this challenge with consistent growth driven by younger people attracted to the ‘people over profit’ ethos and seeking better health cover value,” said Mr Koce.

View the new campaign here.

Download the press release here.


Media enquiries:

Jodie Harrison    0425 754 370    jodie@theshannoncompany.com.au

Eddie Morton      0499 700 295   Eddie.Morton@membershealth.com.au


Members Health is the peak industry body for an alliance of 27 health funds that are not-for-profit or part of a member-owned group, region or community. They all share the common ethic of putting their members’ health before profit and represent the interests of more than 3.7 million Australians.