Putting members’ health before profit

The latest private health insurance news.

Members Health news.

All the latest news and media related to Members Health and Australia’s private health insurance industry.

Questions to ask about your healthcare.

Privately insured patients have more choice and greater control over their healthcare. Making the most of those choices and all services available to you can… read more about Questions to ask about your healthcare.

8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Doctor’s Appointment

Doctor’s appointments can feel far too short if you have a lot to discuss. It’s also easy to forget to mention an important point or… read more about 8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Doctor’s Appointment

Staying Mentally and Physically Healthy: 5 Tips for Police Officers

With the highly demanding lifestyle of a police officer, health is everything. That’s why one of our members, Police Health, makes it their mission to… read more about Staying Mentally and Physically Healthy: 5 Tips for Police Officers

More Australians choose to go private to avoid long public hospital waits

The looming crisis in Australia’s public health care system is driving more Australians to take out private cover to avoid massive waiting lists for important… read more about More Australians choose to go private to avoid long public hospital waits

Thousands of younger Australians turning to Members Health funds

Tens of thousands of younger Australians are turning to Members Health funds for their cover, proving yet again how the not-for-profit private health insurers are… read more about Thousands of younger Australians turning to Members Health funds

Members Health Pre-Budget Submission to Treasury

Pre-Budget Submission from Members Health to the Treasury. Members Health- Pre Budget Submission