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Members Health news.

All the latest news and media related to Members Health and Australia’s private health insurance industry.

Key facts about the Medicare Benefits Schedule changes

Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) are underway and have the support of doctors, The Australian writes. The changes bring about reforms to MBS… read more about Key facts about the Medicare Benefits Schedule changes

The Guardian: Australia’s maternity wards strained as evidence mounts of COVID-19 baby boom

The Guardian Australia writes demand for maternity services is increasing in some parts of Victoria, prompting fears the public system is ‘at breaking point’. Victoria’s… read more about The Guardian: Australia’s maternity wards strained as evidence mounts of COVID-19 baby boom

Sustained growth and record benefits signal Australia’s confidence in private health

Confidence in Australia’s private health care system continues to grow with the latest statistics showing more people are taking out hospital and general treatment cover…. read more about Sustained growth and record benefits signal Australia’s confidence in private health

Consumers beware: Public hospital waits trigger risky Buy-Now, Pay-Later healthcare

Swelling public hospital waiting lists across the country are giving rise to risky buy-now, pay-later schemes for procedures in Australia’s private health care system. Matthew… read more about Consumers beware: Public hospital waits trigger risky Buy-Now, Pay-Later healthcare

Managed Care risk to Australia’s healthcare system

Australia’s peak not for profit health fund group has accused major for-profit insurers of risking the “Americanisation” of the nation’s medical system. The CEO of… read more about Managed Care risk to Australia’s healthcare system

More Australians switching to private health cover according to the latest APRA figures

The latest private health insurance figures from APRA have once again demonstrated Australians’ confidence in the industry. Cover for hospital treatment grew by more than… read more about More Australians switching to private health cover according to the latest APRA figures